Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I would so eat this breakfast

Rushing out of the house everyday to get the kids to school and me to work on time, leaves me breakfast-less on most days.  But I would so wake up 15 minutes earlier if this were waiting for me in the kitchen :

Noddy has been in my life since I was 7.  He doesn't know it, but I've always loved him and his little jingly hat.  Big Ears started off not being my type at all, but he kinda grew on me.  That white beard is strangely  beginning to appeal to me as I get older - it adds character.  Watch out, Noddy, you have competition!

[Image courtesy of The Lark, a favourite of mine]

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Of doormats and not very much else

I have been looking for a doormat for our home's main entrance for a while now - one would have thought these would be easy to find, but with 2 little ones running around (sometimes barefoot), those available at the stores seemed too prickly for their soles.  You know the ones I'm talking about, the brown needly ones that are great for getting dirt off, but would probably scrape the kids' feet raw.  7 months later, we finally found one that was simple and did not say anything cliche like "Home Sweet Home", in fact, it doesn't say anything at all.  Most importantly, it doesn't cause bleeding feet. 

Now, surfing the net in the wee hours of the morning, I started to wonder why I didn't just Google to see what doormats are available out there.  Here are some that I would've considered - something functional and yet injected with a little personality.

OK, maybe by "personality" I meant "geekiness".  But don't you agree it would get a laugh out of friends who came over?  There's nothing in the rule book that says a home can only have one doormat right?  Right? 

(where's my credit card ...)